Addresses of the Andorran representation offices abroad
For more information see: | |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | www.exteriors.ad |
Addresses of national websites
Andorran Finantial Authority (AFA) www.afa.ad
Andorran Financial Intelligence Unit (UIFAND) www.uifand.ad
State Agency of the Resolution of Banks (AREB) www.areb.ad
Corruption Prevention Unit (UPLC) www.finances.ad/unitat-de-prevencio-i-lluita-contra-la-corrupcio
Andorran Tax and Borders Agency (AAFF) www.impostos.ad
Cibersecurity National Agency www.anc.ad
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra (CCIS) www.ccis.ad
Andorran Business Confederation (CEA) www.cea.ad
Andorra Economists Association(COEA) www.coea.net
Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra (BOPA) www.bopa.ad
Andorra Business www.andorrabusiness.com
Andorran Research Institute (IEA) www.iea.ad
University of Andorra (UdA) www.uda.ad
Department of Statistics (DE) www.estadistica.ad
Andorran Data Protection Agency (APDA) www.apda.ad
Trademark Office of the Principality of Andorra (OMPA) www.ompa.ad
Andorra Tourism visitandorra.com
Ministry of Tourism www.turisme.ad