What we do

We represent the interest and reputation of Andorran banks

What we do

What we do

The ABA’s main responsibilities and tasks are as follow:

  • To represent and defend the interests of our members.
  • To protect the reputation and image of the banking professions and promote the competitiveness of Andorran banks both domestically and internationally.
  • To make initiatives aimed at improving the technical standards within the sector and prevent professional intrusion and other irregular activities.
  • To promote respectful cooperation and reciprocal competition within the sector and keep members informed of common interest issues.
  • To ensure transparency in the conditions offered to customers and ensure compliance with the ethical standards inherent to the profession.
  • To collaborate with the public authorities, on our own initiative or at the request of the national and/or local government, public or mixed public-private entities by preparing economic reports, studies, recommendations, actions plans, forecasts and conversion plans.
  • To create and participate in private entities and foundations as well as public institutions and entities whose aim is to promote the economy, culture, sport ande social welfare of the Principality and in general to improve the quality of life of its citizens.