Andorran Banking members

3 entities that manage EUR 63,691 million

Andorran Banking members

Andorran Banking members

The Andorran banking system is made up of three banking groups.

These banks operate in the country’s largest cities through a network of branch offices located in the seven parishes of the Principality of Andorra.

Andorra Banc Agrícol Reig, SA – Andbank

Created from the merger in August 2001 of Banco Agrícol y Comercial de Andorra, SA and Banca Reig, SA

Mora Banc Grup, SA

Founded in 1958 as Banca Coma, itchanged its name in 1970 to Banc Internacional d’Andorra, SA. It adopted its current name in November 2011.

Grup Creand

Incorporated in 1949.

Andorran Banking is an associate member of